Dear Family, December
23, 2013
For starters, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!
:) Well, in 2 days, but you know, I do things early
around here since I can only email once a week!
So, I hope that last week was
good for everyone, sure sounds like it was! :) For me...weirdest
week ever! It was just a bit crazy, and as always fun, but everyday
something new happened and I would think, man, can't wait to share this with my
family on Monday! So here we go!!!
On Tuesday I was on exchanges
with Hermana Whipple, she is awesome, and she taught a few lessons by herself
cause oh ya...I don't speak Spanish ;) But that was good, we picked
up a new investigator so our day was going awesome. Then we got a call
about this lady who is deaf, who was about to get kicked out a motel she was
staying at cause she couldn't pay. So, miracle, Hermana
Whipple also knows ASL so we drove from Mission Viejo to Dana Point to talk to
this lady, and she was super awesome, and with the help of a member we were able
to get her fed, and found a homeless shelter that she could go to. But,
that took about 6 hours of our day. So, we were tired, but always
happy cause it was pretty fun to be talking to her in sign and so ya, cool, but
just random!!! :) We did also find a deaf branch in San Diego where
she is headed, so I still need to call that bishop so he can keep his eyes out!
Let’s see. Then we went on
another exchange, the next day! :) But it was our last one for this transfer,
and that went well, I stayed in Laguna beach and we just had a great time!
On Thursday we spent the morning
with a potential, and it was rainy. :)
Then we drove to Irvine where we had our mission Christmas
conference. That was good! We
had dinner and then each zone made a skit, so that was pretty hilarious! My
zone made a video, so we didn't have to get up and act, so that was nice! :)
But that was fun, and our assistants dressed up like buddy the elf, so that was
pretty funny, and entertaining, and then Santa came! So it was just a fun party! :)
Friday...lets see...can't really
remember Friday...we did teach Ethan and Giselle, and that was
AWESOME!!! When Ethan found out that it was the last lesson and
that he could get baptized, his smile just melted our hearts!
:) So, now he just needs to talk to his hopefully he
does that, and then maybe we'll have a miracle Christmas Baptism. ;) We'll see,
and I'll let you know on Wednesday when I GET TO TALK TO YOU!!! SUPER, SUPER
EXCITED FOR THAT!! IT WILL BE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, now back to my
week. So Friday was just weird. And then...Saturday was my
birthday!!!!! So, while me and the two other sisters we
live with went to exercise (my companions were slow getting up) so we left them
(they had a plan that I didn't know about) and we went and I ran on the
treadmill, and then came back and well, I had a scavenger hunt to find all my
presents!! Thanks for all of them!!!! :) Love them all!!!!!! So that was fun! Then we got ready, and then Sister
Morgan was super tired after studies so we made her take a nap and I colored in
my new coloring books. Then we went and did service for a member,
which was fun. Then, we did our weekly planning since it didn't get done
on Friday, and then we went caroling! :) Honestly, It didn't feel
like my birthday much at all. It was pretty warm, and it was a pretty normal
day despite me getting presents! But, I'm 20 now, so that is weird
:) And I decided that it probably won't really hit me till
next year when I turn 21, and I'll be like, wait...what happened to my 20th
birthday? ;) So anyway, all in all it was a pretty good day!
Sunday was good! Church was good, Brian passed the
sacrament for the first time, and then we got to go to a YSA ward and sing for
their sacrament meeting. It was our last Christmas concert of the year,
and it went pretty well.
Then...oh the weirdest part of
the week!!! And once I tell you,
my subject line will all make sense.
So, one of the STL's, Sister
Bergau is going home next week, and so one of the other STL's asked if we could
have a sleep over with her, so last night we did. So all the STL's
drove down to San Clemente (yay, my old area, but they have moved
apartments) and we had a sleep over! We only stayed up
till 11:30 since we are missionaries and we get tired really fast!
haha. But, they have this deck outside, so we pulled the mattresses
out there and 5 of us slept out there! It was pretty fun, to be out
there, and be looking at the stars. Just as we were about to sleep,
someone was like, only in San Clemente can you sleep under the stars...2 days
before Christmas. Which is so true! But it was actually warm, and
so, yea, totally had my first mission sleepover. It was an
adventure! :)
So, that was my week! A little different, a little
weird. This transfer has also been like that, and crazy fast! We are already at week 5, which means
transfers could happen in 2 weeks.
Weird!!! :) But, sister Kimball and I were talking with Sister
Bergau on my birthday after caroling, and in the end we came up with this, that
as missionaries we need to Find the Balance. Find the balance in being
ourselves as well as missionaries, with our companions, in different areas, in
all that we do there has to be balance so that we can do the things that God
has asked us to do at this time! :) So that is now what I am
trying to do, find the balance, and also really just going back to the
simple basics! :) So that is my goal for the next few
weeks! And really, the rest of my mission!
It really doesn't feel like
Christmas is in 2 days. But, I really have been able to feel the
Spirit of CHRIST! I am so glad that we have the chance to celebrate
His birth, and really feel the love that He has for us, I mean, He loves us a
lot, since He came and was born in a humble setting so that He could be our
Savior and our Redeemer. :) So amazing! :) So, today and on
Wednesday I wish you a very Merry CHRISTmas!!!!!!!!
OK, just a few last
thoughts, and answers to your questions.
The plan is still to call in the
morning, probably around 10:30 here, or maybe a little before, or maybe a
little after! Not quite sure
yet! I may call first and then we can figure out skype. :). I have
no idea what FaceTime is, but if it works, we could try that too :)
But either way, I can't wait to talk to you and see your smiling faces!
:) It is going to be the greatest Christmas!! :) I am so glad that Karson's surgery went
well!! :) I’m so glad!!!! :) Hmmm Snow...can't say I remember what that
is ;) be careful as you travel around!!!!
And say hello to everyone for
me! And Merry
Christmas! Go and enjoy the holiday, and remember the reason for the
Season! :) I love you all, and I feel so blessed to be a
part of this family that I am! We truly are so blessed, in so
many ways!!! :) I also feel so blessed to be a missionary at this
time! It is just flying by, but I am trying to make the most out of
every single moment! :) It truly has been amazing. I've loved
every second from the hard days to the amazing ones. It is all worth
it. It has all been worth it. I know that I will never regret
the choice I made to serve a mission! I know that it will forever change my
life, and who I am. But I do know that it was part of the plan, so I know
that this is where I am supposed to be!!
And it has been a blessing, I just love it!!!
So, I hope you have a wonderful
week! I'll talk to you real soon!!!
Merry CHRISTmas!!!!
Sister Taylor Burningham
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The Assistants, me and Sister Kimball |
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My desk |
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Happy Birthday! |
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Sister Missionaries with mustaches |
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STL sleepover in San Clemente |